Title: Easter Cupcakes for beginners
Course Description:
An exciting and hands-on cupcake decorating workshop designed especially for beginners. In just one session, you'll discover the art of transforming simple cupcakes into edible masterpieces.
Title: Decorating Easter cupcakes for beginners
Date: 3 April 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 6.00-9.00pm
Venue: Queens Road Adult Education Centre E17 8QR
About the Workshop:
Decorate your cupcakes to create lovely Easter designs and improve your modelling skills at the same time! Learn how to create adorable Easter cupcakes using basic tools and techniques.
What You'll Learn how to :
• colour buttercream effectively
• fill a piping bag
• use modelling tools and techniques
Why Join?
Whether you're already an enthusiast looking to expand your skills or a complete beginner eager to learn something new, this workshop is suitable for anyone who is keen to learn a new skill. Also, it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and share your love for cake decorating!
How to Register:
What to bring: Bring an apron, notebook and pen, 6 cupcakes, container to take you work home in.
What to bring: Bring an apron, a container for your work, notebook and pen.
Prosp Content
Progression: you can enrol onto many of the creative courses available, including Ceramics Improvers, arts and crafts etc. Please see our prospectus and website for the full list of courses available.
Career And Progression