Title: Buttercream flowers for beginners –
Date: 27 March 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 6.00-9.00pm
Venue: Queens Road Adult Education Centre E17 8QR
About the Workshop:
Unlock the art of creating beautiful butter cream flowers. In just one session, you'll learn how to make some easy buttercream flowers and filler flowers to create a delightful and personalised Mothers’ Day gift.
What You'll Learn how to :
• pipe four simple buttercream flowers, including roses and swirls.
• colour buttercream effectively
• fill a piping bag
• assembly your flowers into a beautiful bouquet.
Why Join?
Whether you're already an enthusiast looking to expand your skills or a complete beginner eager to learn something new, this workshop is suitable for anyone who is keen to learn a new skill. Also, it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and share your love for cake decorating!
How to Register:
Spaces are limited, please book online. QR Code or hyperlink
What to bring: Bring an apron, notebook and pen, 6 cupcakes, 6in cake box, 6in cake board, tissue paper (colour of your choice) and 1metre ribbon (colour of your choice
Prosp Content
Progression: you can enrol onto many of the creative courses available, including Ceramics Improvers, arts and crafts etc. Please see our prospectus and website for the full list of courses available.
Career And Progression