Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service
Course Information Sheet 2024-2025
Course title: Calm Parents, Calm Children

Who is the course for?
This free course is aimed at parents/learners who would like to increase their knowledge and skills in parenting. This course is aimed at parents who would like to manage their own emotions and model this for their children. It will enable parents to parent in a positive and confident manner. It will allow you, as a parent/carer to reflect on the strengths of your parenting and learn strategies to stay calm in challenging family situations and to apply effective solutions and develop your parenting skills in positive way.

Do you gain any qualifications?
No - this course is not accredited but you will receive a completion certificate if you attend 80% of the course.
Do you need to be interviewed or assessed before enrolling on the course?
No - but you will complete a self-assessment at the start of the course.

What will you learn?
You will learn how to:
• Identify the triggers to challenging behaviours
• Encourage calm behaviour in yourself and in your child
• Communicate effectively
• Identify the keys to managing stress and other main sources of anger
• Reflect on behaviour and take relevant action
• Use praise as a discipline method
• Set and maintain boundaries
• Be consistent in your parenting

Essential equipment and resources
• Writing Pens x 2
• A4 writing paper
• Coloured dividers
• A4 folder to keep all your work
• Internet access

What next?
You can progress onto our courses in the following areas - Careers for all, heath and wellbeing, culture and creative and the families program.
Prosp Content
2.00 hrs per wk
5 weeks