Course title:
Teaching Assistant Level 1
Course description:
If you are interested in being a teaching assistant, this course is for you. You will develop your knowledge and understanding of various topics required to meet the support needs of primary, secondary and special needs schools. Topics will include Children’s learning in and out of the classroom, how literacy and numeracy are taught, how to encourage positive behaviour and using craft activities Course information: this Level 1 Award is accredited by NCFE and consists of the following units: Children’s learning in and out of the classroom
Resources used in school How literacy and numeracy are taught How to encourage positive behaviour
Using craft activitie FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH LEVEL 1: This part of the course will help you develop your communication, reading and writing skills
You will learn to:Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language
Identify the main points and ideas and how they are presented in a variety of texts Identify suitable responses to texts Write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail Use language, format and structure suitable for purpose and audience
Use correct grammar, including correct and consistent use of tense Ensure written work includes accurate punctuation and spelling and that meaning is clear
Your skills will be assessed through an exam consisting of three parts: (1) Speaking, Listening and Communication, (2) Reading and (3) Writing Entry requirements: You will need to attend an interview and complete an assessment before enrolling on the course.
Prosp Content
4.00 hrs per wk
15 weeks